1.a set of beliefs, especially religious or political beliefs, that form a unified system
2.a collection and organization of beliefs prevalent in a community or society
1.The lens is a belief system acting like a filter which allows and disallows you to see some aspects of the reality.
2.There you were, face to face with someone whose views and belief system should have been opposed to all that you and I stand for.
3.He must inquire about his own pattern of thinking, his thought process, and to ask why he thinks that way, hold that value or belief system.
4.It would be a mistake of course to see this belief system as universal.
5.Scientists should not use science as a weapon against belief by making it into a belief system. That, too, is a road to nowhere.
6.No one has the right to consecrate another's sacred word regardless of his own belief system.
7.This belief system did not, of course, exclude the possibility of market intervention.
8.I am going to jump straight to the point and tell you EXACTLY how you can change your belief system RIGHT NOW.
9.As layer after layer of karmic cause of any belief system is released in full, one leaves such belief system behind forevermore .
10."I don't see how trust can be restored without an entirely different social belief system, " he says. "I'm not optimistic about it at all. "